Medical Equipment & Supplies: Disease / Pandemic Control
Orthopedic Implants & Prosthetics
Medical Consumables / First Aid Kits
Whether dealing with outbreaks of SARS, H1N1 or trying to assist agencies in localizing and eradicating pockets of disease, Eton supplies a range of goods from general items such as prophylactics and protective clothing, to specifics like antivirals for hepatitis and vaccines for SARS and Ebola. We can also assist with materials for awareness campaigns and public health messaging. Where possible Eton has contracted down to the factory level so that complete production runs supply Eton and our customers with product that is to the standards and pricing required – Condoms to combat the spread of STDs were supplied by the millions in just such a factory arrangement, that also allowed client specified packaging with requested messaging. Eton has the experience and contacts to bring you the required products quickly and with reasonable prices.
The supply chain/logistics sector is recognized as one of the most significant and complex aspects of a rapid response and one that remains critically vulnerable to the impacts of a severe global pandemic. The vast majority of public health commodities required in response to a threat are available and in-stock. However, large, global events, such as pandemics can create a surge in demand that distorts markets with demand quickly outstripping supply and the result is a global shortage. There will also be a disruption to movement of critical supplies from ports and manufacturers across national borders to final destinations. Supply chain managers and planners cannot assume that the regular supply chains will function normally during a severe pandemic and alternative transport must be considered in advance.
Lessons learned have unanimously suggested that supply chain managers for all response organizations should pursue methods for establishing virtual stockpiles or contractual agreements with vendors/manufacturers to limit the quantities of product that require storage, to balance shelf life concerns, and to ensure that a relationship exists with a supplier that allows the organization access to critical supplies in the event that global demand outstrips supply.
Contact Eton to see how we can be a supplier that can be counted on when the situation arises.